Drainpipes under the floor will allow ground water to run off through underground piping to the "mud pond"

The smaller pipes are the returns to the tprs; the 3 large pipes are connected to the bottom drains in the pond and will eventually connect to 3 Nexus filters in the equipment room. There are 3 airline pipes inside the curb that will provide air to the airdome bottom drains.

After a lot of hand digging the sump is placed - this will serve as a floor drain and will feed the drainpipes moving water out of the equipment room.

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Lots of manual labor

The ground behind the equipment room was so soft that Gene had to bring gravel fill in with his tractor and hand shovel it into the equipment room. Now that the spring runoff is over, things have firmed up nicely. But we need to prepare to lots of ground water each spring.

Building footings to pour a concrete curb around pipes coming from the pond into the equipment room. Gene will cover the lower pipes with gravel when the plumbing is finished.

The black pipes will allow the bottom drain pipes to remain flexible for installation under the filters.

With the new concrete floor finished and stairs built, the next step will be to start installing filters and other equipment. The 3 large pipes will connect from the bottom drains to the filters. The pipes are tprs and airlines. We'll continue this page on the FILTRATION page.