Below you can see Gene down in the trenches beginning the plumbing for the equipment room. A water line was brought into the side of the equipment room and will be plumbed to fill the 3000 gallon reservoir tank and subsequently the pond.

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Hundreds of feet of pvc have gone into this project to create 3 levels of reversible tpr's to return filtered water to the pond - clockwise or counterclockwise (and we'll alter to avoid any of the koi growing lopsided pecs!!) The skimmer will clean the surface and return heated water to the pond. 3 Air dome bottom drains should be able to keep the bottom of the pond free of the dreaded mulm!!

Gene shoveled select fill gravel to cover the plumbing that finished around the new pond--now it's all under a concrete floor.

After shoving lots more gravel, the floor drains on both sides of the pond are in place--now they're permanently set in the concrete floor.